We have been very busy running around and having fun. And, unfortunately we have not had time to update the blog. So, here is an extra long update, going back about a month and a half.
Our first bike ride (April)
We bought a used bike trailer late last summer and got a chance to use it earlier this spring. Both Addyson and Campbell enjoyed the ride - I think Addyson actually fell asleep near the end of the ride. Campbell did fantastic in the trailer with her helmet - she is such a go-with-the-flow kind of girl!
Visit from Grandma and Grandpa Reed (from S. Carolina)
Grandma and Grandpa Reed visited us mid-March and then again in mid-April. Campbell and Addyson love their visits. The mid-April visit was an unfortunate visit as we lost our Great Grandpa Bob "Froggy" Reed who died due to complications from a knee surgery. He will be missed by many.
Mother's Day - I received lots of wonderful presents from the girls on Mother's Day. Addyson and Campbell made cards, a picture and a bag at daycare. The card and bag had Campbell's and Addyson's hand prints. Its great to see how little their hands are, but how much they've grown from last year.
Of course Addyson wanted to give me the gifts as soon as she got home from day care on Friday evening but she patiently waited until Sunday morning - first thing though!
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the girls! |
Mom and Dad's Florida Vacation:
In early May Mom and Dad went to Sanibel Harbor, FL for Jeff's friend's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and of course it was nice to get away for the weekend.
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The pool where we spent most of our stay. This was the view from our room. |
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Again the view from our room but towards the ocean.
The room below the circular roof was where the wedding reception was held. |
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Speed boats were rented to go out and look for dolphins. We went mid-morning and were lucky enough to spot a lot of dolphins. But of course, only a few pictures actually captured the dolphins. |
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One of the better dolphin pics! |
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the bride and groom - Jeff and Tracey Taylor |
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A sunset the night of the wedding. |
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On our final day in FL we explored Sanibel Island via bikes. We stumbled across a historical cemetary and were very surprised to find a few Reed's buried here. |
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Relation?? |
Busy weekend - yard work and Stillwater Festival
During one of the very nice weekends in May we spent the weekend mulching and planting. Campbell stayed in the house with Aunt Mal but did enjoy watching us all work. To take a break from all of the work we went to Stillwater Reserve for a few hours and enjoyed the festival the park committee put together. They had a lot of fun activities for the youngster -- Addy and Dad really enjoyed themselves.
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Campbell scooted all the way to the front door to watch Mom and Addyson do yard work. One of these days we are going to find her pushing her way out of the door to the garage - thankfully it locks! |
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Campbell enjoying the festival from the stroller - she also discovered the water bottle. Loves being able to get water out! |
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Addyson and Dad made a rocket which they could shoot into outerspace |
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Shooting the rocket - it went all the way to Mars! |
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Working like an ant -- she had to carry the ant food back to the ant mound. |
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Acting like a bee -- she had to buzz around and take honey from the flowers to the beehive. (the flowers were made of plastic bowls and plates - very cute!) |
Memorial Day Weekend: We spent the weekend up at Grand Lake St Marys. It was extremely hot and very unfortunate that we couldn't get into the water. However we did have a nice big blow-up pool that we could stay cool in. We, especially Addyson, enjoyed squirting everyone with a couple mini-super soakers.
It had been exactly two years since we had been up to the lake so it was nice to get the girls up there. Hopefully soon enough we can get them out on the tube!
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Addyson showing off her new bathing suit and hat. |
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Campbell staying cool in the shade. |
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Campbell enjoys being tossed up by Grandma Rhonda |
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Campbell's first boat ride. With Grandma Brand and mom. |
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Addyson driving the boat! We only went in a couple of circles until she straightened the boat out. |
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The girls in their life jackets - all snug and secure. |
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The boat ride put Campbell to sleep (we have this exact same picture of Addyson on her first boat ride as well!) |
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Addyson and Aunt Mallorie doing fishy faces |
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Addyson's fierce shooting face. |
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Addyson seeking protecting from Grandpa Brand.
She loved squirting people but wasn't so keen at being squirted with water |
Campbell Update
Yes, we are missing a couple of weeks - somehow those weeks escaped us. Right at 9 mos Campbell started to "scoot" around on her bottom. She gets around well enough using this method. She has shown no interest of the traditional crawling method though. She is also very interested in "real foods" so we are trying all sorts of new things. So much fun but what a mess!!
Campbell also finally had a tooth pop through -- on the bottom -- at about 9.5 months.
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A close-up of Cam -- trying to get the camera |
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Week 37 |
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Week 39 - Campbell |
Campbell had her 9mo well check at the beginning of May. She is truly a tall, lanky baby! The doc has tasked us with "thickening" her up, so we are trying. Who knows if it is working.
Weight: 16 lbs, 3 oz (9 percentile)
Height: 28.5in (80 percentile)
Compared to Addyson at 9 months:
Weight: 16 lbs 2oz (10 percentile)
Height: 27in (25 percentile)
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Week 41 - Campbell |
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Week 42 - Campbell |
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Week 43 - Campbell |
Sisterly Love!
Addyson LOVES giving her sisters hugs and kisses. Campbell sometimes loves receiving them -- all depends on how MUCH love Addyson is giving.
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More sisterly love! Cam's week 39 |
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