Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
We were able to celebrate Christmas and New Years surrounded by family and friends -- we are so blessed! We are also very blessed with the wonderful memories that 2010 brought us and will continue to be blessed with 2011 -- can't wait to see what the new year will bring us.

Addyson showing off her Saint Nick gifts (or hamming it up! Not sure)! St Nick brought her Elf on the Shelf and a few hand puppets. St Nick also brought her a pair of snow boots.

Addyson telling Dad not to forget the puppets!

One of Addyson's visit with Santa -- at our Brand Christmas party. And this is about as close as she would get -- she definitely would not sit on his lap. By the end of Santa's visit, as he was leaving, she did give Santa a kiss! Very cute.
Santa trying to talk Addyson into a good-bye kiss.
Okay, one small little Christmas kiss for Santa!

Addyson showing off one of her gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Brand -- a UD tshirt! We were even able to put it to use a few days later at Addyson's first UD game. Go Flyers! Addyson was a great elf at all of our Christmas parties -- she enjoyed handing out everyone's gifts.
Another baby for Addyson from Grandma Rhonda. Baby even came with all of the necessities -- a stroller, a high chair, a walker and a crib. Addyson is enjoying all of her new toys.

Addy helping Daddy fix Grandma's table. her tongue is just starting to stick out -- she can't concentrate without sticking out her tongue!

Addyson being Santa's helper on Christmas morning.

Addyson and Dad enjoying one of her presents from Santa -- a tent and a tunnel! So much fun to be had, especially when mom and dad have to get into the tent and tunnel.

Again with the tongue when she concentrates! Helping dad put in batteries.

At the Zumberger Christmas party Addyson sat right next to Great-Grandma and Grandpa and helped all of the grand-children open up their presents. She was a great little helper! Here she is helping Dad open up his present - a set of deer whistles for the Acadia. Hopefully this will help come next November. Deer, look out!

Addyson with her cousin Lily. Addyson was such a big helper with Lily -- she enjoyed holding her and playing with her!

Happy New Years! This is Addyson right before the ball dropped at midnight -- yes, midnight! Somehow she found the energy to stay up until midnight and celebrate with everyone -- I think she was sneaking candy! We spent the evening with lots of friends playing games. The most fun of the night was when we played games from Minute to Win It -- hilarious! Unfortunately (or fortunately) we don't have eny videos from it. If we did, I'm sure they would be YouTube hits -- so many laughs and unexpected talents.

Right before all of the Christmas celebrations, Dad and Mom got away for a long weekend. We went to Niagra Falls / Buffalo, New York for a Browns game with the GWE crew. We quickly visited the Falls before heading to the casino that was about 2 blocks from our hotel - trouble! The football game, which unfortunately ended with a loss for the Browns, was very rainy but not too cold. We were all expecting bitter, bitter cold so we were all dressed for the part. Fortunately it was mid-30s, but rainy. It rained the entire game. Either way, the weekend was a blast with great friends. Always a good time! Next year my vote is for a much warmer location.
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