Last weekend we went to Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Steve's farm for a sleepover.
It was a hot one last weekend, but we managed to keep cool with our cool drinks.
Addyson sitting with Aunt Mal and Aunt Lindsey.
Addyson was helping Dad sweep the floors, lets just see if she will be this excited when she is like 13 years old and we ask her to sweep.
Just a random picture after eating watermelon I think, oooh so slobbery.
This is the ride home from the Magoteaux reunion, it was a hot one, and from the looks of Addyson it was HOT in the car too. We looked back and saw this, so had to share.

Mike and Diane brought thier jumpy again this year, and Addyson absolutely loved bouncing around in it. I think Mom kind of liked bouncing too!

Running around in the jumpy, giggling!!

Drees' also have a pond, and this year we put Addyson in with her swimmy diapers. Maybe next year we will bring swimsuit and floaties. She really does enjoy the water, but Dad wasn't about to get in there and get soaked.

Addyson playing with the bean bags, too cute!

More bean bag playing...

Addyson helping Dad Sweep the floor.
Addyson what's doggy say....woof woof....
Addyson at the lake telling us all the things she has learned.
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