Addyson continues to do great this week. She is still chowing down on baby food and even figuring out how to eat finger food. The finger food is Cheerios and Puffs, which are great fun watching her since they stick to her hands and she can't always figure out where they go (not always into her mouth). We have tried bits of bananas however she is not a fan - guessing it is the new texture. So neat trying new things though.

Bees can be terribly cute!
We recenly lost Addyson's Great-Grandma Brand (my Dad's mother), Dula. She was a fantastic grandma and lived every one of her 87 years to the fullest. She blessed this world with 12 children, 33 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren....and of course each one of us have been blessed with having her in our lives.
A few family pictures.
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