Week 36 was a scary week. Addyson had Nursmaid's elbow, which is basically that the cartlage in her elbow dislocated. Had to take her to the ER on Wednesday morning and they were able to pop it back in. Better safe than sorry we thought.
[update from original blog] This is Kyley - I feel the need to add more detail to Jeff's post for those of you we haven't had the chance to see this week. As you can see below, all is back to normal with little Addyson and the story ends happily. I picked Addyson up from daycare on Tuesday and they said she had been very fussy - which is out of the ordinary but I chalked it up to the cold she has been fighting. And, yes, she was cranky that evening but she ate dinner well and was okay when playing on the floor. However, I finally did notice that her left arm was being very playful but she was not moving her right arm. After careful examination her arm seemed to be very sensitive between her elbow and wrist and (thankfully!) none of her bones were poking out, or was her arm swollen or bruised. So, we decided to put her to bed and assess the situation in the morning. Of course she slept through the night without making a peep, but her arm was still very sensitive so to the ER we went.
Pretty much as soon as the Dr took a look at her he believed it to be Nursemaid's Elbow - just by how she was holding her arm by her side. As Jeff said above, it is when the elbow disclocates. Between the Dr twisting her arm around twice and getting her arm x-rayed, it finally popped back into place! And she was back to her normal, happy, playful self.
From what we have read, it could have happened when we put her coat on, or when we pull her up to a standing position.
We are very glad our first ER experience was nothing worse!

Happy Baby and Mom again!!

Cutie patootie!!