32 weeks and counting....
This week Addyson started to clap - she intently watches us clap and then realizes she, too, can join in on the fun. She is also, finally, getting the hang of rolling over. Awhile ago she learned how to roll form her back to tummy (on her right side) but never knew how to get back over. This week she figured it out and is slowly started to enjoy her added ability to get around a bit.
Addyson hanging out with her cute hat.

Addyson, Kara and Jared playing in the jumpy at Mark and Marie's house at the Francis Family Film Festival. Everyone had a great time, what a perfect night for a movie out under the stars.
Addyson will probably enjoy this a bit more in a year.

Addyson and Madalyn showing off.
Kyley reading a bedtime story to Addyson - she just smiles and loves to hear mom sound out all the voices from the stories. Fun to watch her face as Kyley reads, so engaged in the story.
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