Addyson and Madalyn showing off.
Kyley reading a bedtime story to Addyson - she just smiles and loves to hear mom sound out all the voices from the stories. Fun to watch her face as Kyley reads, so engaged in the story.
Addyson rolling over, we have to put toys at the top of her head just out of reach so she will roll over to grab them. Pretty fun stuff, and then we chear when she rolls over, and she is all smiles.
Bathtime....with our rubby duckies. When you take a duck out of her hands and put it into the water, she gets all excited and saves the duck from drowning. Funny we introduced another one, and she can't figure out which one she likes the best, and can only hold onto one duck at a time, pretty funny watching her try to hold onto both at the same time.
Our big girl playing in the living room
Okay I had to add one more DUCKY Video...funny stuff
Addyson riding the pony!