Sunday, May 10, 2009

Week 13

Week 13 has been another
quick week full of excitement.
Addyson had her first week of Daycare
and did pretty did mom.

At daycare Addyson made Kyley a
Mothers Day card and flower pot.
On the card those handprints
are Addysons and they turned them
into butterflies, and the little ladybugs and flowers
on the pot are Addyson's fingers.
The girls said she had the smallest bugs
and butterflies in the class.

Here is the card they made for Kyley.

Again the card and flower pot.

Addyson hangin out in the chair.

Here is Addyson playing in her little playpen.
She had a new bird friend named "Jacque" (he's french)
hanging in there, she really seems to like
smacking him around.

Kyley and Addyson tuckered out after
a long day at work and daycare.
Not sure who is more tired,
but this was Wednesday a.k.a. Humpday,
so the week is halfway over!!

Addyson Trying on life jackets
for our trip to Norris Lake

Here is a little video of Addyson
playing in her playpen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the little videos. Notice we've begun to wear bibs. Those Mother's Day gifts are really great ideas! xo GGma Reed