The start and end of Week 10 have been busy weekends. We were able to visits our families while celebrating Easter. Addyson then had her first long car trip (8hrs) to Madison, Wisconsin for a Brand family wedding (Jeff headed to Cleveland for a bachelor party). Addyson did fantastic in the car except for the last half an hour on our way home on Sunday - I think we were all a little cranky by then. We are up for an interesting week 11 - mom goes back to work for 2 days. Thanks to grandma Rhonda and Linda for baby-sitting!

The Reed family on Easter.

Addyson relaxing on soon-to-be Uncle Steve's lap.

Tummy-time with Addyson.

Addyson and Kyley at the University of Wisconsin's Student Union in Madison. Before the wedding on Saturday, thanks to the fabulous weather, we were able to walk around Madison - which is a very neat city. Hopefully we can go back sometime soon with Jeff. There was a farmer's market around the capitol building which was right across the street from our hotel. We also went on a tour of the capitol building and walked around the campus.

Congrats Mr Scott & Dr Stacey Poznanski!

Cousin Joe playing with Addyson. Joe and his brother Alex (ages 3 and 2) played with Addyson all weekend - they are gearing up for their baby sister to arrive this summer. We will hopefully post more pictures of the three of them later (so cute!). We were also able to meet our newest cousin, 2-week old Tabitha. We will also post a picture with her mom later.

This is how Addyson enjoyed most of the wedding reception - asleep in her carseat partially under the table. Too worn out from all of the walking around Madison!
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