She got a puzzle with animal shapes on it. She was such a good time to watch open gifts.

Just a cutie picture of our little girl from my phone again, I forget to get them on the website.
Just Addyson talking to us.
Mallorie tought Addyson the head-bump...not sure that is a good thing, but sure is cute.
Dad was throwing a toy at Addyson and it would bounce up and hit her, then she giggles...I could do this all day!!! notice the mess in the back, she found out how to empty her toy box all over the house, now we just have to teach her how to put it all back in there!!
Our little crawler out exploring, she discovered the christmas tree today.
Listen for the little toot.....not sure who it was....we were trying to get her to crawl again...but this attempt failed.
Here we finally got one of her crawling, she really only goes about 2 to 3 feet but it is enough for a proud mom and dad. The first day we saw her crawl was 11-25-2009. Time to put up the gate at the top of the stairs.
Just a couple of videos of Ky and Addyson swimming.
Addy likes to chase after the rubber ducky, just like when in the tub.