Summer 2011 - Part 1
Early this summer we had a friendly little bunny rabbit visit our yard! It stayed around long enough for Addy and Dad to come outisde and watch it. (I like this pic b/c Addy is whoing a bit too much of her bottom!! :) ) |
Poultry Days: No pics but Addyson really enjoyed going on all of the rides this year. There were a few that she just wasn't tall enough for but next year I'm sure she will be on every single ride, twice!
Watching the Poultry Days Parade with Aunt Lindsey. Aunt Mallorie, Grandma and Grandpa Brand and Grandma Rhonda were watching with us too! |
The Reeds watching the parade. |
Addyson wearing and waving her red, white and blue pride! |
More visitng animals! A duck from the pond behind our house decided to build a next underneath our evergreen bush right outside of our garage. 7 eggs were then laid and Mama Duck laid for a nest for the majority of the day! It took about a week for Mama Duck and Addyson to inhabit the same area. Addyson learned to just look and not run up on Mama Duck. And Mama Duck learned that when we come out of the house we will leave her alone. Unfortunately Mama duck sat on her nest for about 2 weeks when an unwanted visitor came during the night. The next morning 3 eggs were cracked on our driveway. Unfortunately Mam Duck never came back for the rest of her babies. Sad!
Maybe next year we will have another family of ducks to watch over.
Addy looking at the duck eggs |
Pool Time during the 4th of July: We finally went out and bought a patio umbrella for our un-shaded back deck along with a good size pool. We were able to enjoy both purchases the week of the 4th!
Both Addyson and Campbell are taking swim lessons at the Y. Both are definitely enjoying the water! Addyson's class is just 5 kids with a teacher -- learning how to float and starting to learn how to swim. Campbell's class is all about dunking, blowing bubbles, etc. It takes a bit for her to get used to the water but once she is there, she is good!
Our 2 water bugs! |
Addy showing off her skills. |
Campbell enjoying the water table. |
Addyson reading her book to Campbell! |
The girls playing after bath-time. |
just a little bit of rough-housing! Addy just loves her sister sooo much! |
Addyson Update:
She is becoming so much more independent. She no longer begs us to come along with her to the bathroom, but instead yells at us to leave the bathroom because she doesn't want any help!
She has switched over from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to Doc McStuffin. Nice to watch another show with a great catchy tune that is stuck in our heads all day long! ;)
Addyson is really enjoying her swimming lessons and being on her own in the class. Of course she is constintly peeking back at us to make sure we are watching her.
Campbell Update:
She is still scooting and really does not like crawling around on her knees. From our last update (at about 9.5 months) she has started pulling herself up to a standing position. She also loves walking around and pushing a top stroller around. She is still very shakey but we are much closer to possibly taking steps on her own.
At about 11 months her 2nd bottom tooth and 2 top teeth popped through. She has a number of other teeth waiting in the background to pop through. Apparently all her teeth were just waiting!
Despite the lack of teeth Campbell has not let this stop her in trying new foods. She simply stuffs everything into her mouth and will munch on them until she can swallow. At times we find her still munching long after she has left the dinner table. She really enjoys mac n cheese - probably her favorite. But has no problem eating beets and any other foods only Mom will eat!
We are getting ready for her Campbell's first birthday party -- can't believe a year has gone by already!
It has become so difficult to get Campbell to sit still and take these weekly pictures -- without grabbing the paper and trying to eat it! Here are some of our best takes along with a few out-takes.
Week 44
Week 44 -- not sure what this smile is all about. |
Week 45
Good smile but paper isn't in place! agh! |
Pretty darn close to a pefect pic. |
more sisterly love - at least they are both smiling! |
Week 46
Week 47
Week 48