We ended the month of October with a visit to Brumbaugh Fruit Farm. Addyson enjoyed most of it except for the corn maze. She may have just been tired of walking...we were definitley tired of carrying her through it! She did enjoy seeing the animals (real and fake) and the play areas.
For Halloween, Addy was a monkey. This unfortunate picture is from the night of Troy's Trick or Treat, which happened to be the same night of her photo shoot. So at this point she was just plain tired and not enjoying being dressed up like a monkey. She did however LOVE having the costume on at day care and when we went trick or treating to our family -- she didn't want to take it off.
Letting Aunt Mal-Mal paint my toe nails.
We also resurrected our annual chili cook-off / OSU party. We had an amazing turn out and it was wonderful to see everyone and their families. And there were kids! This year the kids out-numbered the adults -- we tried to capture all of them in a pic but of course that was absolute chaos! All 10 of the chili entries were fabulous and it was incredibly hard to choose the winner. However, we did! Congrats to Marie Francis!
We also finally got around to taking her 20mo old pictures (just 2 mos shy of 18mos!). Tia Rhoades did a fabulous job even though it was freezing out!! Addyson was a trooper for about 20 minutes and then did not want to smile. Oh well! We got a good number of great poses! Here are just a few of them.

What else is Addy up to? She is now talking a lot - atleast with us - and is becoming very opinionated. She unfortunately likes the word "no"! She calls all colors pink - it used to be yellow (or lellow). She is also going to bed with ALL of her doll babies. At first she had to have her arms wrapped around all of her babies -- all 5 of them. Now she atleast is okay with just 2 of the babies sleeping next to her -- very cute.
Addyson also enjoys singing songs with Daddy and making all o fthe hand motions. I think there is something wrong with this video unfortunately - the sound and video don't match up. It is still fun though. Hope to post a better one soon.
Okay, I couldn't resist...have to include this video too. Melts my heart.