Hello from Las Vegas and Kings Island. Kyley and I went to Vegas with 4 other couples last weekend for a long weekend trip. This was Kyley and Marie's first trip out there, and I was surprised at how much fun they had. This picture below is a shot of the strip at "Old Vegas" which was smaller than I thought it would be, but a great time none the less. We went to 2 shows "KA" and the Beatles "Love". I enjoyed LOVE much more, because I got sleepy during KA...lol. We spent the first night gambling and basically stayed up for 26hrs, 1 day by the pool, 1 day walking around looking at all the hotels, 1 day at the Gold Coast, and an evening at old Vegas and checked out the statosphere casino. All in all good weekend, Kyley and I came home $100 up gambling wise, that isn't to say we didn't blow it all on other stuff while we were there. :)

Ride #2 on the merry go round.
Addyson got a new "slightly-used" kitchen set, it is like a retro kitchen, pretty cool stuff. Supposed to be an early xmas present, because we couldn't wait to see her play with it, what weak parents she has!

We spent all day sunday baking pies and eating fake french fries...Dad was FULL!!!
Cooking up a storm.
This is Addyson riding the merry go round, we went on it twice she liked it so much. She would pet the zebra and horse before we started, too cute!!

We spent all day sunday baking pies and eating fake french fries...Dad was FULL!!!

Here is Addyson and Kyley on the train, she wasn't big enough to see out, I didn't get it but when she turns the corner her little eyes pop out from the train, what a little stinker :)