Week 52! Can you believe it!!
We managed to take a picture every week of the first year with exception of, I think, 36 because we were on vacation in Norris Lake and forgot to take that photo. Not bad Mom and Dad! See the video at the bottom for a recap of all the weeks.
Addyson's birthday is Saturday and we are having an Addy Bug Birthday Party. We are keeping our fingers crossed that everyone will be able to make it to Troy safely. And of course, we will post pictures of the big party. Hopefully we will have good cake-eating pictures.
We took off work and day care on Friday and took Addyson to the the Newport Aquarium. The weather started getting bad on the way home, but we made it before it got too crazy. She seemed to enjoy watching all of the fish swim by!
Addyson being weighed on a shark scale, she was 19 lbs.
What a catch!!!
Addyson standing by a shark, and she is just over 2' tall.

Dad and Addyson watching the shark go by in the tank.
(Yes, it is hard to get past the shiny bald spot on Jeff's head.)

Kyley and Addyson checking out the Jelly Fish.

There were scuba divers feeding the fish and one of them came over and waved to Addyson.
Addyson and Jeff in the underwater tank - fish swimming all around us.
Showing Addyson a shark going above our heads - this really is pretty cool if you have never been to the aquarium.
Addyson and Kyley playing in the frog bog area - Addyson enjoyed going to the last section of the slide.
Kyley and Addyson checking out more fish.
Another great picture of Jeff's girls.
The video of an entire year of weekly pictures- my how she grows!