Week 42 was an exciting week with lots to tell you about and Dad got a little crazy with video and pictures. Addyson CRAWLED for the first time this week!!! So, enjoy this weeks edition.

At Thanksgiving we decided to do a four-generation picture with the Zumberger Grandmas.

Grandma and Grandpa Zumberger with Eli and Addyson.
Congratulations Greg and Amy!

Addyson and Mom at thier first swim lessons together. Dad got to take her to the first two classes while Ky was out of town. Addyson really likes the water and chasing around the rubber duckies. Sorry Dad got a little camera happy at the pool.

Addyson floating on her back, and just relaxing.

Addyson and Mom hanging out, pretty cute ladies if I do say so myself!

Addyson really likes the Itsy-Bitsy-Spider song, they must sing this alot at daycare, one day we sang it and she started smiling and going crazy, so we have t assume she learned it there.
Listen for the little toot.....not sure who it was....we were trying to get her to crawl again...but this attempt failed.
Here we finally got one of her crawling, she really only goes about 2 to 3 feet but it is enough for a proud mom and dad. The first day we saw her crawl was 11-25-2009. Time to put up the gate at the top of the stairs.
Just a couple of videos of Ky and Addyson swimming.
Addy likes to chase after the rubber ducky, just like when in the tub.