This week ended with a Brand family vacation to Norris Lake. We, Addyson included, left for TN Friday morning and came back Tuesday afternoon. It was a great vacation - many laughs, way too much to eat, limited cell phone reception, no cable and we were on the water. Weather was okay - it could have been about 5-10 degrees warmer.
We stayed in a floating house, which is exactly what it sounds like, a house that is floating on the water. We were right on the water at the end of a marina which allowed the lake to be right there - no flights of stairs to go down or long coves to get through.
The sun was out most of the time - except when we first arrived which was probably the worst time for rain. Since we were on a house on the water, we had to load up all of our stuff on our boat to get it to the house. Our suitcases, coolers, etc were loaded into the boat and the boat and jetskis were in the water when it started to rain. It wasn't a little sprinkle, it was a downpour - sheets of rain came down for about 20 minutes. It was quite a sight watching the Brands run around trying to keep our clothes and food from getting drenched. Fortunately for me, I had to keep Addyson dry and was able to camp out in the car during the storm. Unfortunately our camera was in a bag, which was in the boat safely under other bags so it didn't get wet but wasn't able to take a pic of the craziness that started our trip.
Addyson did great during our vaca and of course she was spoiled with way too much attention.
(the pics have been placed into the blog backwards)
And if anyone is in need of a Norris vacation - see website for a great place to stay: Brand family (all except for soon-to-be-brother-in-law Steve). Behind us was the view from our porch - pretty nice!
The Reed family.

This is the floating house we stayed on - even had a slide!

Addyson in her swimsuit! It was really only warm enough on Monday to get the swimming suit out. And even then she had her cover up on for the majority of the time.

Reed family enjoying the sun!

Addyson's first (and only) dip into the water. She was content as long as she had the plastic buckle to gnaw on - so easily entertained.

Addyson gearing up for her dip in the water. Slowly taking off the layers - notice the sweater is on in the pic below this one.

Mom and Addyson.

Addyson and her aunts Lindsey and Mallorie.
Addyson showing how she too can be a hillbilly in Kentucky - running around with only her diaper on. We weren't even out of Kentucky when we had to change her into another outfit.