Well, we had another busy week.
Addyson turned 4 months old on the 6th....I KNOW!!!
We are going to see the Dr. for our checkup Monday...
another shot, not looking forward to that one!

Addyson got a new Excersaucer learning center,
it is alot to take in all at once, but I think she likes the monkeys.
We found a life jacket for infants, so we can go on vacation in Norris Lake and St. Mary's and not feel so afraid of her leaping in the water....lol. But really this life jacket fits so much better than some of them for her age. Looking forward to testing it out in a pool or something soon.

Just grab by the back of the neck and pull,
I am sure Ky would do that to Jeff too if she could.

Linds and Mal got Addyson her own shades so she doesn't have to wear Mom's.

Pretty cute!!

Addyson playing with Terry the Turtle.
It is an adult talking turtle, but just too funny not to share.
(Sorry for the language)
Addyson rolled over all by herself today and we caught it on tape.
She had been getting really close all week (first video), but couldn't get over that arm.
Today she made it and we missed it,
so we put her on her back again and went for round 2 (second Video).
As if you couldn't tell, Mom and Dad are pretty excited!!