Sunday, June 28, 2009

Week 20

Well it has been almost 5 months since little Addyson joined our lives.We had another pretty nice week with seeing family and hanging out.We also got to swim for the first time, and try out the new life jacket.Not a whole lot more to talk about, but a great week overall.
Here is Addyson in the pool with her life jacket.
She really seamed to enjoy the water.
Thanks Dave and Clarice for letting us come over and play!
Addyson and Daddy in the pool splashing around.
This is fathers day at Ivan and Linda's house. We had a really nice relaxing fathers day.
Aunt Mal-Mal and Addyson showing off thier shades!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Week 19

This was another fun and exciting week,
but aren't they all?!?!?!
Addyson has been talking to us quite a bit this week.
I think she just really likes the sound of her own voice,
kinda like her dad. :)
Miss Addyson found her toes this week.
LOL...Kyley yells to Jeff in the other room, when did she start doing THAT!
We also had our first attempt at eating rice cereal this week.
She really did not dislike it, but didn't end up really eating any of it either. We will keep trying it until she gets the hang of it.
Most of the cereal ended up back on her face and on the bib.
First bite of real food, if that is what you want to call it.

Here is the video of Addyson trying to eat her feet!!

Here is a video talking to stuff!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Week 18

Week 18 we had our 4 month well visit with the Dr. Wilimitis
She was 12lb 13 oz (30%)
24.5 inches long (55%)
15 inches head circ (45%)
Doc thinks she is doing great and the 3 shots she had went much better this time compared to last time. It was also Addyson's first time to partake in the world famous Poultry Days.
We really only had 1 picture of her sleeping through the parade,
but next year we will be sure to get more action photos to share.
Here are some videos of Addyson and Dad, she giggles when you zerbert her,
and Dad just can't stop doing it!!

More of the makes me laugh!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Week 17

Well, we had another busy week.
Addyson turned 4 months old on the 6th....I KNOW!!!
We are going to see the Dr. for our checkup Monday...
another shot, not looking forward to that one!
Addyson got a new Excersaucer learning center,
it is alot to take in all at once, but I think she likes the monkeys.

We found a life jacket for infants, so we can go on vacation in Norris Lake and St. Mary's and not feel so afraid of her leaping in the But really this life jacket fits so much better than some of them for her age. Looking forward to testing it out in a pool or something soon.

Just grab by the back of the neck and pull,
I am sure Ky would do that to Jeff too if she could.

Linds and Mal got Addyson her own shades so she doesn't have to wear Mom's.

Pretty cute!!

Addyson playing with Terry the Turtle.
It is an adult talking turtle, but just too funny not to share.
(Sorry for the language)
Addyson rolled over all by herself today and we caught it on tape.
She had been getting really close all week (first video), but couldn't get over that arm.
Today she made it and we missed it,
so we put her on her back again and went for round 2 (second Video).
As if you couldn't tell, Mom and Dad are pretty excited!!